Saturday, April 11, 2015

So we threw a Faculty Appreciation Day -

for our Animation Professors yesterday (because they honestly don't get enough appreciation).
I didn't get to take too many pics, but I got to do one of the caricatures! 8D!

I got our Figure Drawing for Animator's Prof. Larissa (who also happens to be my boss for OC Art Studios)

If all of the caricatures get posted, I'm going to add the link, because there were seriously awesome ones!

Everyone did a great job helping (thanks for putting up with my anal-side when it comes to serving food guys - it's hard to purge that part of you when you worked in food service for years). Decorations looked great. We…kinda... might of… tripped a breaker when we plugged one too many electric griddles into one line - we were in a completely different space than last time, so I didn't realize there wasn't the same ampage going into this other room. There were also gifts for each professor and we had a PiƱata. I'm so happy with how it turned out!

let those teachers that have helped you along the way, know how much you care guys! they honestly don't hear it enough, and they deserve to.

(EDIT: SHE LIKED IT! I'M SO HAPPY! - do you have any idea how frightening it is to do a drawing for a figure drawing teacher, while you're trying to make sure you get the anatomy right, but still push the caricature?!)

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