I really do promise.
LOTS of things have happened. Mostly good things. The Sawdust Art Festival was of course great over the summer, always sad when it has to end… Another REALLY GREAT one being that because of a generous (and anonymous) donor to my college, I got to return to school! So… getting back into doing homework has been interesting. I never thought I'd be so happy to do homework and study for tests.
Another AWESOME bit would be that I got to help some friends on a Master Class animation project :D I even got credit as 'Animator' as well as 'Clean Up Artist' (the number 34 will forever be showing up in my personal animation work now ;) so proud of that scene)
Can't show it though, not until it's done its festival run
though, that's kinda bittersweet for me… because the people I was hoping to share this great news with the most, are no longer with us. Still missing my grandparents - a lot
but I know they wouldn't want me to dwell. They'd want me to keep moving forward.
SO, things coming up are:
Inktober - going to be taking part in that again, so you'll be seeing those (hoping to maybe break out Windsor colored inks if I have the time to play with those)
my school's Rush Night - hoping to have something I'm happy with to turn in (and post) by the 1st
my Layout class work - I am SUPER stoked to finally be in this class, and my professor seems to like what I've planned out so far. so I'll definitely be wanting to share this work
3D modeling - another class I'm excited to be in because this round, I get to 'play' with Zbrush AND real clay. I'm hoping to have some work I feel good about posting
Animal Drawing - YES! I ger to have another class with Marshall Vandruff!! will probably share mostly any gesture drawings from this until closer to Midterms
CTNexpo - AW YEEAH! I haven't signed up for any portfolio reviews this year (next year for sure though). Last year was a little overwhelming since I hadn't been to a convention in a few years. THIS year, I plan on soaking up as much knowledge, advice, and any impromptu critique I can fit in my schedule. Also, this time I hope to be able to either buy a cintique or maaaaaaybe TVpaint… I've set aside "no touchy" money specifically for this (or I'll just keep it aside for emergency purposes… my rational side keeps advocating for this)
that's all I really have planned for now. Have a quiz I need to be rested up for tomorrow